SB Acoustics GEMA - Speaker Kit Update

SB Acoustics GEMA - Speaker Kit Update

Since posting that we were working on offering the SB Acoustics - GEMA speaker as a full kit, we've been getting smashed with enquiries on when it will be ready, so I wanted to provide an update.

I go into quite a lot of detail here so there's a "TL;DR" version at the bottom if you don't want to read it all.

Where are you actually at with the kit?

It had taken a back seat while we work on releasing our NAOS Stereo Amplifier and Plate Amplifiers, but given the demand, we're looking at spending some more time on it.

We have started replicating the design from SB Acoustics in Fusion 360. Once this is complete, we can cut a test kit to make sure it all goes together as intended.

Sourcing the crossover parts has been a real sore point. SB Acoustics did tell us they used 'Jantzen' for all crossover components but availability here in Australia is average at best. In addition, we can't even find a suitable 25W resistor for the woofer, locally!

We're now confident we can piece it all together using locally and imported parts. We've also been working with Madisound to provide an additional "Fully Assembled" crossover option.

What can you expect from the kit?

Our goal is to release this kit with a similar offering to our Mercury Speaker Kit, which has multiple options of what's included to suit a varying range of need and skill levels. This varies from drivers only (currently offered), to a full kit including MDF knockdown cabinet parts and pre-assembled crossovers.

It's worth noting, initially, we don't intend on offering a pre-drilled crossover board with this kit, only the crossover schematic. The final layout of parts will need to be sorted by the customer.

We also intend on releasing the knockdown cabinet in two different versions. A straight cut "butt joint" kit suitable for veneering and a "mitred" kit, which will be better suited to those wanting to paint their cabinet.

For more info, see our Speaker Kit page.

How much will it cost?

The below pricing is for a pair and is indicative and subject to change. Once the kit has been fully assembled and a full cost analysis done, we will confirm final pricing.

  • Drivers only (currently available):
    • Includes the drivers only - $1,200
  • Crossover Components:
    • Option 1: Components only - $900
    • Option 2: Fully assembled crossover by Madisound - $1,600
  • Additional Enclosure Components - $120
    • Binding Posts
    • Damping/Lining
    • Threaded Inserts for Driver Mounting
    • Button Head Screws to Mount Drivers
  • Plain MDF Kit - CNC Kit:
    • Option 1: Straight Cut Kit - $550
    • Option 2: Mitred Kit - $800
  • Shipping - Quoted
    • We simply pass on the cheapest courier quote
    • This is subject to location. Major cities and commercial addresses are much cheaper than residential and/or rural addresses.
    • Indicatively, a commercial address in a major city would be $80-$100
    • A residential address which is rural could be up to $250-$300
    • Free Pickup will also be offered as an option
    • 'Drivers Only' option comes under our Flat Rate shipping option which is $15 Australia Wide

The big question, when will it be available?

Well, that's honestly up to our customer base!

While the demand has been there, and we have been passing the above information on to those that have been enquiring, we're yet to get commitment on a kit (outside of the drivers only).

We're a small business that hasn't got a significant financial backing so have to pick and choose where we invest our money (and more importantly, time!) into projects that we feel will be viable and profitable. In addition, between the soon to be released amplifiers and custom speaker projects we've been working on for clients, we've got plenty going on to keep us busy!

We intend on chipping away at drawing up the design and cutting a test kit in the background, but until we get a solid commitment from a customer, we'll continue to focus on getting our amplifiers released and customer projects out the door.

Depending on which kit is chosen, we're looking at 6-8 weeks from the first commitment, as a worst case. I'd love commit to a shorter time frame but don't want to let anyone down so we're allowing 6-8 weeks until it is shipped.

TL;DR Version:

  • High demand for the SB Acoustics GEMA kit has brought it back into focus.
  • Design replication in Fusion 360 is underway
  • Sourcing crossover parts has been challenging, but local and imported solutions are now viable.
  • Kits will offer flexibility, from drivers-only to full kits with cabinets (straight cut or mitred) and assembled crossovers.
  • Fully assembled crossover will be an option with the help of Madisound
  • Indicative pricing ranges from $1,200 for drivers-only to $3,500+ for full kits with assembled crossovers.
  • A lead time of 6-8 weeks is expected from the first customer commitment.
  • Current focus remains on amplifiers and custom projects until firm commitments are made.

If you're willing to take the plunge, get in touch with us via email at and we can talk through some options.

We're offering a 10% discount to the first customer that commits to a full kit!

That's all folks!

As always, we appreciate your support. Without it, kits like this wouldn't even be on our radar!



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